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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senior Portraits: Sary, FACES' Model

Well, it's time to share another amazing Senior FACES' Model with all of you.  We have been revealing them all summer long and will continue to throughout this school year!  Today is Sary from Southmoore High School.  We LOVE ALL of our gorgeous models and have had a blast getting to know each of them individually.  This beautiful girl's senior pictures are beautiful and I wish we had space to share more of them with you...  But since we don't, I can't wait to reveal more of them very soon on our facebook page!...  For now, have fun meeting Sary!

Name: Sary
High School:  Southmoore
What's your senior year motto?  "Senior time; fun time!"
What do you want to tell your underclassmen about high school?  "It's going to be the best time of your life so enjoy it!"

What's your favorite class?  History
What's your favorite color(s)?  Red and Purple
What's your least favorite color(s)?   Brown
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?  Swim
Favorite Sports Team:  OSU

What's your favorite restaurant?  Johnny Carino's
 What's your favorite movie?  Enough with Jennifer Lopez
What's one more thing about you?  I love to have a blast!!!

To see more of Sary's amazing FACES' images friend us on 
facebook at Rachelle James. :)