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Friday, March 23, 2012


Her "Signature Look"

Happy Birthday Chloe!  This cutie patootie turned one about a month before Christmas and can ALWAYS make me smile!  Not only have we received the privilege of capturing her from the moment she was born in the hospital to many of her stages throughout her first year, but to NOW with her FIRST Birthday Cake!!! :)

We had a blast to say the least and before she let out some UBER cute smiles, she definitely took the, "It's my party and I can cry if I want too!" slogan to heart! ;)  She showed us all the different sides of her personality and we had a blast capturing them!...  I found it humorous because I finally found a girl who likes her hands as clean as much as I do!  She TOTALLY disliked getting her face too messy or even her hands dirty!...  Lol.  She is too cute, such a girl, and TOTALLY my niece! ;)  WE LOVE YOU CHLO CHLO AND HOPE YOU HAD A WONDERFUL FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! :)