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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's the END of January! Which means a New Year, New Goals, New Things, and a New Beginning!

     So most of you know we have been working VERY hard gearing up for the MOST AMAZING year we have EVER had!  And I know, when I tell you, "No! I didn't have ANY time to catch up on my sleep from the holidays!" that many of you believe me...  Well, because you know me!  haha ;)

     I'm a self-admitted work-aholic; I think it stems from the perfectionist in me...  Which can be my worst enemy and best friend at the same time!  Go figure.  Although, I'm trying to change that part this year to spend more time with my AMAZING husband!

     We work very hard making sure every one of you love your portraits and yourself; so I think it's only reasonable that I invest the same amount of time and even MORE effort into my own personal life that I'm sooo blessed to be a part of every day!  I thank God for all He's given us and am praying He helps us set healthy boundaries in the New Year and love on everyone we meet unconditionally! :)

     Already this month, we have spent some of the longest hours getting everything ready to knock all of your socks off this year!...  But I've seen glimpses of improvement in my boundaries already. ;)  Trust me when I say, God willing, we will have our best year yet!  ...Stick around, you'll see, be amazed, and God will be given all of the glory!!! :)


Rachelle :)