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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meet Emily

Meet our gorgeous Emily! :)  I found a couple of things in common with her that seem to be of importance...  At least to me! ;)  Both of us have this LOVE for the Twilight Saga and Musashi's! ;)  I knew I loved this girl when I met her, but couldn't quite put a finger on it at that time...  Now I know why!  Thank you Emily for allowing us to share your beautiful FACE! 

Name:  Emily
High School:  Westmoore
What's your senior year motto?  "Be the best you can be and acheieve all you can achieve, always give 110 % on all you do and do as much as you can do!"

What's your favorite class? Science
What's your favorite color(s)?  Blue and Yellow
What's your least favorite color(s)?  Orange
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?  Go to the lake.
What's your favorite sports team?  OU 

What's your favorite restaurant?  Musashi's
 What's your favorite movie?  The Twilight Saga and Harry Potter
What's one more thing about you?  I'm obsessed with soup!