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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Maddox Samuel

My best friends' baby was born this past week on May 7, 2009 at 4:37am!... Yes, he came that early! :)  Weighing 9lbs 130z and measuring 22 inches long, Maddox has a full head of hair! :)  He joined his two brothers just in time for Mother's Day!  This image above is a quick shot after his first bath and first change of clothes.  Be looking forward to seeing some of his portraits from his first session soon! :)

Rachelle James being featured in a Model Home

We have been blessed with the incredible opportunity to feature some of your family, senior, and children portraits in a gorgeous home by Wayne Long Construction.  I walked through the home earlier this week and it took my breath away!  Graced with elegance, class, design, and detail, this home could not be more beautiful!  After seeing his homes my entire life, they still amaze me with their beauty.  This feature home above and others are open for showing today at 2:00 pm, located between 134th and 119th in Rivendell.  Again, please visit this model home as we feature some of your incredible images!  If you are looking for more information on Wayne Long Construction homes or this one, please check out their website at  Thank you Wayne, Barbara, and family for this incredible opportunity and for your many blessings!

Model Home Location:
12916 Lorien Way
Oklahoma City, OK 73170