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Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall Colors to Die For

     This couple above are some very close friends of ours!  Every year we receive the opportunity to photograph their pictures and every year we aim for something different.  This year I think we hit the nail on the head!  I could not have asked for better outfits, prettier fall colors, a more perfect day, or more gorgeous models! ;)  Once more, there are too many to post, so we thought we would just share a few...  Andrea, I know you are wanting to see one of your puppies, so I thought I would post this one above with them in it for fun, as a teaser, and make you wait for the PERFECT one!...  You will see it soon enough!  Some things in life are DEFINITELY worth the wait and I don't want to spoil all the fun! ;)...  Love you girl! :)