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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Time!

We have been having a BLAST all summer photographing all of our NEW 2013 FACES' Models!  We started before school was even out for the summer with the new class and have been going, going, going ever since with the MOST AMAZING seniors around!  We can't wait to reveal all of them to you on our friend page.  Until then, stay in touch, see what we are up to because we are always posting NEW and GORGEOUS images on there, and talking about what's going on around here! ;)

Until then...   Much love and stay cool! ;)


Rachelle :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

2012 Models as seen on Facebook ;)

Here are some more of our FABULOUS 2012 Faces' Models that we shared on facebook!  Thought we would share these gorgeous faces with you on here as well! ;) ...We had a BLAST with all of them this past school year and really are so very blessed with the PRETTIEST, seniors around! ;)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Due to a family emergency, Rachelle James will be closed this week.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  We will re-open next Tuesday, June 5th.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Her "Signature Look"

Happy Birthday Chloe!  This cutie patootie turned one about a month before Christmas and can ALWAYS make me smile!  Not only have we received the privilege of capturing her from the moment she was born in the hospital to many of her stages throughout her first year, but to NOW with her FIRST Birthday Cake!!! :)

We had a blast to say the least and before she let out some UBER cute smiles, she definitely took the, "It's my party and I can cry if I want too!" slogan to heart! ;)  She showed us all the different sides of her personality and we had a blast capturing them!...  I found it humorous because I finally found a girl who likes her hands as clean as much as I do!  She TOTALLY disliked getting her face too messy or even her hands dirty!...  Lol.  She is too cute, such a girl, and TOTALLY my niece! ;)  WE LOVE YOU CHLO CHLO AND HOPE YOU HAD A WONDERFUL FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rachelle James 2011 TOP MODEL

 These are the first few glimpses of Hanna from our Next is Now Event we just got back from a week or so ago in Palm Springs, CA.  We had a blast and LOVED getting to photograph Hanna in tons of AMAZINGLY AWESOME locations, but what made it even MORE FUN was just HOW MUCH FUN it was being around Hanna and watching her just be beautiful!  She's a natural model and we are sooo glad she got to go with us as our Rachelle James 2011 Top Model!

THANK YOU Hanna for sharing your senior year with us!  We have LOVED every second of getting to know you more and more! :)  You have made us VERY proud and represented us VERY well! ;)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fit w/Vic and the Red Mud Run 2012

We had a blast photographing Vicki with Fit w/Vic a couple of weeks ago.  This lady is not only beautiful, but completely in shape!  I had fun capturing her doing what she does best, working out!  Now, we have some beautiful images for her to update her portfolio and website with (  I can't wait to see which ones she chooses to share with all of you.  

Getting to know Vicki more and more, I realize she not only cares about her own health and fitness, she truly cares about others as well and is hosting the upcoming 2012 Red Mud Run with DG Productions on May 20th!  To find out more information, find RED MUD RUN on facebook at and get dirty with them on May 20th!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


JUST A REMINDER!!!... FYI... Deadline to have your wallets back in enough time to mail out in your graduation announcements and/or to get your graduation announcements themselves back in time to mail out is next week! :) Orders must be in by FRIDAY, MARCH 23RD!!!... No exceptions!!! ;)

Call to order yours today if you haven't already...
405.237.3324! :)

Friday, February 24, 2012


Find one of our 2012 FACES' MODELS at school and ask what THE EVENT is all about AND visit us on our Rachelle James' facebook friend page and get even more insider information on what is going on...  We can't wait to talk to you TODAY! :)  ...And just to make sure you know WHO to look for, a picture of all of our models are below, on our senior website, and on our facebook pages to help you out! ;) to you TODAY! :)  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Okay, so in grade school one of MY FAVORITE holidays was VALENTINE'S!...  Why?  Because it was ALWAYS full of SO much love, laughter, cheer, sweet notes, and candies to take home to share with everyone...  Of course, my mom ALWAYS got me the best ones...  Valentine's surprises that is...

I miss those days...  It seems as you get older the tooth fairy stops coming, Santa quites bringing you gifts under the tree, and well, birthdays aren't as much fun either!  As we grow older, I don't think we EVER really grow out of still wanting all of those things, it's just that we are too busy to make them happen!

In light, it's always nice to feel loved and appreciated!  Valentine's is the PERFECT time for just that!  So here are our Valentine's Cards for all of you...  Made with love!  We hope they bring smiles and good memories to all of your faces!!!  Please feel free to send them to all of your friends or those special someones in your lives!  WE LOVE ALL OF YOU SOOO MUCH and hope all of you have a safe and wonderful day, thinking of those you LOVE THE MOST-EST!!! ;)


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's the END of January! Which means a New Year, New Goals, New Things, and a New Beginning!

     So most of you know we have been working VERY hard gearing up for the MOST AMAZING year we have EVER had!  And I know, when I tell you, "No! I didn't have ANY time to catch up on my sleep from the holidays!" that many of you believe me...  Well, because you know me!  haha ;)

     I'm a self-admitted work-aholic; I think it stems from the perfectionist in me...  Which can be my worst enemy and best friend at the same time!  Go figure.  Although, I'm trying to change that part this year to spend more time with my AMAZING husband!

     We work very hard making sure every one of you love your portraits and yourself; so I think it's only reasonable that I invest the same amount of time and even MORE effort into my own personal life that I'm sooo blessed to be a part of every day!  I thank God for all He's given us and am praying He helps us set healthy boundaries in the New Year and love on everyone we meet unconditionally! :)

     Already this month, we have spent some of the longest hours getting everything ready to knock all of your socks off this year!...  But I've seen glimpses of improvement in my boundaries already. ;)  Trust me when I say, God willing, we will have our best year yet!  ...Stick around, you'll see, be amazed, and God will be given all of the glory!!! :)


Rachelle :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Preview: Upcoming Trends

Look out for these latest styles for Spring's and Summer's hottest looks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Last Day to Sign Up to be a 2013 Senior Fresh FACES' Model!

Most of you know, we're half-way through the school year and today we are finishing up the sign-up for next year's Senior FACES' Models...  The Class of 2013!  We are sooo excited and cannot wait to share MORE about our 2013 Faces' Project with all you!  BUT!  ...Until then, we still have some more fun to tend to, as we continue revealing our 2012 FACES! :)...  Stay posted throughout the rest of the school year! :)


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I want to be a 2013 FACES Model!

... We're sooo excited to meet all of those that signed up! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Senior 2012 Fresh FACES Models

We LOVE all of our Models!  As we continue to introduce them to you one by one on here over the rest of the school year, we wanted to give you a glimpse of all of them together...  ENJOY! :)