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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This sweet baby girl, Landry Kate, is a doll.  As sweet as her eyes look in these portraits so is her personality.  She is so well-natured and a joy to be around!  We received the opportunity to photograph her for her first Christmas in her Christmas outfits.  I think they are perfect to post on Christmas Eve and share with all of you... I LOVE all of her images, but these were three of my favorites! :)... May all of you have a very Merry Christmas, as it is beginning to actually look a lot like Christmas! ;)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Long Family

These are just a few of many favorite images from this family's session.  Many of you may know or recognize this family's name from when I introduced them to you before...  They are homebuilders (Wayne Long Construction) in the area and build some of the most gorgeous homes I have ever seen!  This family is so much fun to be around and I am sure there is never a dull moment on their holidays with all of the kids...  I love big families and definitely believe the more the merrier! :)

Thank you Wayne and Barbara, Heather and Barry, and Chris and Mary for sharing your entire family with us, and all of your  kids!  We had a blast with all of you and wish each of you many blessings this Christmas Season and lots of love! :)  Thank you again for allowing us to capture these special memories for years to come! :)

Monday, December 14, 2009


I just LOVE this shot!  Her holding her daddy's finger and lying on her daddy's arm... PRICELESS! :)

A brand new baby girl!

This brand new baby girl was welcomed into the world about six weeks ago...  Obviously they received a wonderful Christmas present early this year!... I cannot think of a better gift myself... Congratulations on your new baby girl! :)  Thank you for sharing both of your beautiful daughters with us!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I love birthdays and like every holiday, we, at Rachelle James, love to celebrate them more than just on the day of the actual holiday, birthday, or special occasion... kind of like a day or two before and a day or two after to make the holiday or special occasion even more exciting until next year... :)  With all of that being said, this sweet boy above is very special to us and today is his birthday!... We just wanted to take a second and tell him, "Happy Birthday, Zane!" from Thomas the Tank Engine and Rachelle James. :)....  See you later, Buddy! :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Three is Company

This family above was recently introduced to us and we instantly had a great time!  They, Chris, Kim, and Zane, are an awesome family that are tons of fun to be around!  Zane, their little boy's birthday is this week so a Happy Early Birthday is due!  Thank you Chris and Kim for opening up your home to us and for the wonderful time at Gaillardia.  We have so many gorgeous images I do not know how you are going to choose! :)  We cannot wait to see you again!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day in and Day Out

This one is for you Trevor! :)...  The stained glass, church, arches, and statue. :)...  (I know, I know, Lori.)

This family up above may look very familiar to many of you and if so, that is because they are the Pastors' of South  Every year we receive the opportunity to photograph their family and create our custom cards for them to send out to the partners of South  We have so much fun creating different themes and layouts for them to share.  Thank you Trevor and Lori for what you and your family sacrifice day in and day out as Pastors. :)  Even though it may go unnoticed many times your work and dedication is appreciated!  Thank you! :)

On a little side note:  If any of you who have an iphone and love apps like we do, download youversion or visit to interact in a whole new way with the Bible... It is way cool and and totally accessible!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Tibbs' Family

Rob and Michelle, the two of you have a great family with beautiful kids to say the least! :)  We always love being able to photograph the kids year after year and see how much they have grown.  I have to admit this year I think the two of you have been giving them growing pills since last year! : )  In all seriousness, thank you so much for allowing us to capture and share in these special times in your lives!  We absolutely love it and love all of you! :)