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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys!

I just love it when the pictures speak for themselves!  These images definitely catch the sweet, silly, and stinker sides' of boys....  These brothers are the cutest around and are always so much fun to photograph!...  They definitely keep their mom and dad very busy as you can probably already guess. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Sharpe's

I do not know what you were doing this past Saturday, but I spent my morning with the best looking family ever!  Their newest addition, was the cutest little booger! :)  I definitely loved the red plaid shirts; they added a way fun element with the changing fall colors! :)...  Oh, one last thing, Josh, don't forget to be careful drinking your coffee next time... :)
Nos vemos!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Along with our Families in the Park, our Custom Christmas Cards are some of our most sought after holiday musts!  Ask about our annual Fall Special and see how it can help you with your Christmas Card list this year!  Call 405.237.3324 today!

Fall is for Families!

We are already booking for Families in the Park and our schedule is almost full!  We only have a couple of slots left, so if you are thinking about Christmas Portraits, NOW IS THE TIME!  They are the ONLY SATURDAYS during the year we shoot!  Hurry, call today and ask about our annual Fall Special at 405.237.3324 before spaces run out and Christmas is here!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


This girl is definitely gorgeous, inside and outside!  She has so much potential and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for her life.  I am blessed to be able to be apart of such a momentous occasion in her life... Senior Portraits! :)  You can see her baby puppy below who has stolen my heart as well....  Morgan, you are truly a wonderful person!   I cannot wait for you to see all of your images... There are TOO MANY beautiful ones! :)

Sadie, Baby!

This little girl went on an unwelcomed and unwanted adventure, in other words, she got lost right before her photo shoot the other day and Morgan had to go ahead and come without her, but after many prayers, God some how helped a neighbor's family member find her at the right time and to get her right where she needed to be... just in time for her portraits!... God is so amazing!...  As you can tell, this baby golden retriever stole my heart!  She was perfect! :)... Thank you, Sadie!